THE DAME Sister Parish (1910-1994) was the last of America’s grand dame decorators — and arguably, she was the greatest of them all. After all, Parish originated the American Country look, one of the most enduring decorative styles of the last half-century. While the...
Decorative styles: the industrial style Today I am going to talk to you about my favourite decoration styles, to inspire you in decoration ideas for your projects in 2021. The Industrial style, which was born in the old factories of New York in the 1950s , is...
FROM ACTRESS TO DECORATOR Today I am going to talk to you about Elsie de Wolfe, one of the most outstanding women of the 20th century, considered the mother of interior design. For those of us who like interior design, she is undoubtedly a source of...
My year 2020 How could I describe this year? An exceptional year that neither I nor anyone could have expected and that has hit us all to the core and in the same way. Nevertheless I can not describe it as a bad or negative year, different and challenging yes, but...
Christmas memories We are already near Christmas again, a Christmas that will be definitively different due to the exceptional year that we all have been living. However, I believe that we do not have to give up the magic and joy that it evokes. I personally like...