Leire’s Korner arrives in Leicestershire, a rural area in the East Midlands. I drive  down the narrow county roads and see again the wonderful stone wall English houses surrounded by a multitude of brightly coloured flowers, they remind me of my long  periods in  this country.

Astrid Bennett is waiting for me in her studio, a place full of life, where the vibrant watercolours and canvases as well as many books dominate the space. It is here where she finds her inspiration to show the world her emotions and feelings through the bright colours of her paintings.

I am very excited to get to know her and to find out something else about her and her art.


What made Astrid – a native German – come to live in Leicestershire ?

I worked for a British company in Germany where I met my husband, who is English. Everything is history….


How/when did you start painting?

I started drawing with coloured pencils from a young age. Next came oils and after I moved to the UK I fell in love with water colours. I have always been interested in painting and art.

Do you remember your first painting?

Yes I do, I painted it in oils for my Grandma’s 70ies birthday. It was a landscape of a Bavarian village, very traditional and she loved it.

Where does your inspiration come from ?

Everything I see, our garden, our village, travels. things I read, it is endless.

Which is the most important work you have ever made?

I can not answer that – all my paintings feel like my children and are important to me.

If your paintings could speak, what do you think they would say about the artist?

I hope they will say and show that I love colour, nature and life

How much time have you spent working on a painting?

It very much depends on the subject, the medium I use and the size. It can be anything between 2-3 hours to 30-40 hours.

Which styles and artistic movements are reflected in your paintings?

I am not sure whether any particular style or movement is present in my paintings, I always just wanted to paint like ME.

What do you really want to express with your paintings?

The beauty around me and my love of nature and the landscape.

Is there any artist who has influenced you in your life?Which artist do you like the most?

I had a mentor who taught me a lot about watercolour painting. The artists I like most are Monet (and other impressionists) Vincent van Gogh and Gustav Klimt, all for different reasons but they all have one thing in common. The use of strong colour.

Which are the difficulties you have found in this way to become an artist?

It is not really difficult to become an artist as I do what I love to do – painting. To make a living from my art is much more difficult and challenging.

How do you see the art in the contemporary world?

Art has always been important and I believe it has become even more important in our modern world partly because it is so much more accessible to people than it was in the past, not only by buying original art but also through the availability and affordability of prints.

Which advice would you give to those Young people who start in this difficult world ?

Go for it – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, but be realistic about the challenges and that you have to make a living.

On which projects are you working right now?

A large mixed media painting reflecting the Art Deco period. Will not be for sale – may be prints – is going to be placed above our wood burner in the launch.

Please give me your favourite sentence.

‘Even if the day is dull and grey – colour it beautiful – and the world becomes a better place’ – it is my own – more like my philosophy than a sentence !

What is the most important in the life of Astrid Bennett Claas ?

LOVE – for my husband, my family, our dogs and my friends and of course painting and being creative.

Tell me Astrid, how does a Business woman combine this with the artistic world ?

With difficulty😂 not easy to set the right priorities at times but also a good combination of brain and heart. As an artist you also have to have a business mind and in business you also need some emotion and creativity to connect with people to make things work. We are all Human  whatever we do, it is important though to remember that !

It has been a really nice afternoon. I have been delighted to have met her. Astrid is joy, strength and her presence has really impressed me positively.  Now I have to leave you as it is time for tea with the exquisite English scones and sandwiches and there is no better place to enjoy it than in her idyllic garden!